20932 Brookhurst Street Suite #202 Huntington Beach, CA 92646

(714) 968-5500




Patient Before


   This patient came to our office with a strong desire to save her remaining teeth and to rehabilitate her smile. After careful deliberation with the patient a treatment plan of ceramic crowns fused to gold and dental implants was approved. In order to save her old teeth and still satisfy her esthetic needs all the old restorations were removed and braces were placed on her teeth to close up the excess space. The patient was also informed that her bite would need to be redesigned. The following pictures show the “bite” view of final teeth delivered to the patient. All the spaces were closed on the natural teeth and dental implants placed precisely. Gold screws hold the teeth into position and are covered with white filling material which at anytime later for routine maintenance or for repair the teeth can simply be unscrewed, cleaned and repaired quickly.




Patient After


   After the treatment was completed the patient was very happy with the outcome. Her smile and bite had been completely re-engineered from when she had first entered the clinic. All her spaces were closed and her front teeth were more in harmony with her lip form.

